Friday, 23 December 2016

                           Expedition unloading ships             
PT. Samudera Perdana Selaras (Semarang)

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Street Bantul Km.3 Dukuh MJ/1221 Yogyakata 55142 Phone. (0274) 381489, 414515


Praise God Almighty for all the blessings that this paper can be arranged to complete. Do not forget we also say many thanks for the help of those who have contributed by donating both matter and mind.
     And I hope this paper hopes to increase knowledge and experience for the readers, For the future can improve the shape of the paper or add to make it better again.
    Due to lack of knowledge or experience, I'm sure there are still many shortcomings in this paper, I therefore welcome any suggestions and constructive criticism from readers for the perfection of this paper.


TITLE PAGE...................................................................................................................... 1
FOREWORD...................................................................................................................... 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................... 3
A.Background internship................................................................................................... 4
B.Destination internship..................................................................................................... 4
C.The benefits of the internships....................................................................................... 4
A.Understanding expedition ship unloading....................................................................... 5
b.Profile PT.samudera perdana selara................................................................................ 5
C.Some divisions PT.Samudera perdana selaras................................................................. 5
D. Activities Internship....................................................................................................... 6
A.Conclusion..................................................................................................................... 7
B.Suggestions..................................................................................................................... 7


A.Background internship
Competition in the job market is getting higher. As we know that the working world is a world full of competition and skill.
Diploma alone is not powerful enough to penetrate the job market is also getting tougher. Facts on the ground prove that so many young Bachelor who still have not got a job. This implies that, in order to penetrate the job market today, there are many things that must be considered. One of these factors work experience and skills.
Discipline is also a major factor to be considered for a worker. So it is expected that at least three of the above can be formed through activity Lectures Internship in a particular agency or company. With the activities of this internship, it is expected that the students, in this case I personally, can know in real and plainly about the picture of the real world of work. This activity is also expected to add to the experience and skills to students before they actually dive in and compete in the world of work. This it will be formed early work ethic, discipline, perseverance and honesty in the students before they actually worked We believe that by selecting and following this event we hope to be a resource that is reliable and qualified human.

Destination internship:
1. To increase knowledge gained and compare the theories learned during the lecture with the realities of the working world.
2. To provide direct experience of working practices and to explore a variety of new problems related to learning activities and marketing at the company, as well as to determine the condition and all activities that occur in the actual work environment.
3. To develop the knowledge possessed by implementing it into the world of work.

The benefits of the internship :
for Students
a. Keteranpilan debriefing help and insight to prepare the conditions in the real world of work.
b. Knowing the conditions and all activities that occur within a company.
c. Develop a professional attitude required students to enter the working world.
for Campus
a. Can produce graduates who have good quality and ready to work.
for Companies
a. Getting the assistance of volunteer human resources, as well as to assist those jobs that require more power, so the work can be done without having to light open recruitment.
b. Helping a source of new ideas danide information needed by the company


Understanding expedition ship unloading
expedition ship unloading is the business of the documents and cargo to be transported by vessel or processing of documents and cargo from ships on duty to take care of the goods from the owner in writing has got the power.
function shipping companies and unloading ships: recorded a charge on shipping agent paperwork with customs and other relevant agencies carry the goods from the warehouse to the Container Yard Container Yard to or from warehouse.

Profile PT.samudera perdana selara
PT SAMUDERA PERDANASELARAS established in 2004 which is a transportation services company and shipping.
To strengthen existing efforts, PT SAMUDERA PERDANA SELARAS has several divisions and branch offices in different cities.
Looking ahead, the company will expand the transportation network and improve productivity.
Ridho grabbed divine order can be a benefit.
Improve themselves in order to be the best
- Giving priority to quality service and timely
- Collaborated familiar
- Has extensive networks
- Having a resource that can be reliable

Some divisions PT.Samudera perdana selaras
-          Division EMKL
-          Division Agency Shipping
-          Division Trucking
-          Division Logistic
-          Divisian Unloading and loading

Activities during the 4-week internship in PT.Samudera Perdana Selaras

Activity time internship :
The first week :
- Payment of leasing container depot container in Semarang
- Paying Demorrage (Fine delay rentals)
- Payment of Liff
Terms of payment on top, accompanied by:
1.Delivey Order (Copy)
2.Job Oerde
Second week :
- Document retrieval Delivery Order (D / O) in the company costomers
Terms of Delivery Order retrieval by attaching:
1.Bill of Lading
2.Surat Authorization
3.Bukti payment / settlement
The third week :
- Clearance at customs
- Request approval letter expenditures in customs
Terms clearance process by attaching:
3.Packing List
4.Surat Insurance
5.Bill of Lading (Copy)
The fourth week :
- Asking letter expenditures plant load / Animals to quarantine offices
Requirements to submit to the Office of the quarantine by attaching:
1.Phitto (Original)                    4.Invoice
2.Packing Declaration              5.PIB
3.Billying                                 6.Bill of Lading (Copy)


During conducting apprentice writers gain experience for the first time and also get a neighbor knowledge of the inner workings of the world ports.
1. Discipline and work activities to be more improved.
2. Should the facilities are not available to support the smooth
    work activities immediately fitted.
3. The existing facilities remain maintained.
4. With good cooperation, the work can be completed properly and


Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Vessel Tankership


A tanker (or tank ship or tankship) is a merchant vessel designed to transport liquids or gases in bulk. Major types of tankship include the oil tanker, the chemical tanker, and gas carrier. In the United States Navy and Military Sealift Command, any type of tanker used to refuel other ships is called an oiler.
u  Tankers can range in size of capacity from several hundred tons, which includes vessels for servicing small harbours and coastal settlements, to several hundred thousand tons, for long-range haulage. Besides ocean- or seagoing tankers there are also specialized inland-waterway tankers which operate on rivers and canals with an average cargo capacity up to some thousand tons. A wide range of products are carried by tankers, including:
u  hydrocarbon products such as oil, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), and liquefied natural gas (LNG)
u  wine

Different products require different handling and transport, with specialised variants such as "chemical tankers", "oil tankers", and "LNG carriers" developed to handle dangerous chemicals, oil and oil-derived products, and liquefied natural gas respectively. These broad variants may be further differentiated with respect to ability to carry only a single product or simultaneously transport mixed cargoes such as several different chemicals or refined petroleum products.[1] Among oil tankers, supertankers are designed for transporting oil around the Horn of Africa from the Middle East. The supertanker Seawise Giant, scrapped in 2010, was 458 meters (1,503 ft) in length and 69 meters (226 ft) wide. Supertankers are one of the three preferred methods for transporting large quantities of oil, along with pipeline transport and rail.
Tankers used for liquid fuels are classified according to their capacity.
In 1954, Shell Oil developed the average freight rate assessment (AFRA) system which classifies tankers of different sizes. To make it an independent instrument, Shell consulted the London Tanker Brokers’ Panel (LTBP). At first, they divided the groups as General Purpose for tankers under 25,000  tons deadweight (DWT); Medium Range for ships between 25,000 and 45,000 DWT and Large Range for the then-enormous ships that were larger than 45,000 DWT. The ships became larger during the 1970s, and the list was extended, where the tons are long tons:[3]
       10,000–24,999 DWT: General Purpose tanker
       25,000–54,999 DWT: Medium Range tanker
       55,000–79,999 DWT: Large Range 1 (LR1)
       80,000–159,999 DWT: Large Range 2 (LR2)
       160,000–319,999 DWT: Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC)
       320,000–549,999 DWT: Ultra Large Crude Carrier (ULCC)

Cargo Operation
Operations aboard oil tankers are governed by an established body of best practices and a large body of international law.[94] Cargo can be moved on or off of an oil tanker in several ways. One method is for the ship to moor alongside a pier, connect with cargo hoses or marine loading arms. Another method involves mooring to offshore buoys, such as a single point mooring, and making a cargo connection via underwater cargo hoses.[95] A third method is by ship-to-ship transfer, also known as lightering. In this method, two ships come alongside in open sea and oil is transferred manifold to manifold via flexible hoses.[96] Lightering is sometimes used where a loaded tanker is too large to enter a specific port.

Pre-transfer preparation
Prior to any transfer of cargo, the chief officer must develop a transfer plan detailing specifics of the operation such as how much cargo will be moved, which tanks will be cleaned, and how the ship's ballasting will change.[97] The next step before a transfer is the pretransfer conference.[98] The pretransfer conference covers issues such as what products will be moved, the order of movement, names and titles of key people, particulars of shipboard and shore equipment, critical states of the transfer, regulations in effect, emergency and spill-containment procedures, watch and shift arrangements, and shutdown procedures.[98]
After the conference is complete, the person in charge on the ship and the person in charge of the shore installation go over a final inspection checklist.[98] In the United States, the checklist is called a Declaration of Inspection or DOI.[98] Outside the U.S., the document is called the
"Ship/Shore Safety Checklist."[98] Items on the checklist include proper signals and signs are displayed,[98] secure mooring of the vessel,[98] choice of language for communication,[99] securing of all connections,[99] that emergency equipment is in place,[99] and that no repair work is taking place.[

Loading Cargo
Loading an oil tanker consists primarily of pumping cargo into the ship's tanks.[99] As oil enters the tank, the vapors inside the tank must be somehow expelled.[99] Depending on local regulations, the vapors can be expelled into the atmosphere or discharged back to the pumping station by way of a vapor recovery line.[99] It is also common for the ship to move water ballast during the loading of cargo to maintain proper trim.[99]
Loading starts slowly at a low pressure to ensure that equipment is working correctly and that connections are secure.[99] Then a steady pressure is achieved and held until the "topping-off" phase when the tanks are nearly full.[99] Topping off is a very dangerous time in handling oil, and the procedure is handled particularly carefully.[99] Tank-gauging equipment is used to tell the person in charge how much space is left in the tank, and all tankers have at least two independent methods for tank-gauging.[99] As the tanker becomes full, crew members open and close valves to direct the flow of product and maintain close communication with the pumping facility to decrease and finally stop the flow of liquid.
Unloading Cargo
The process of moving oil off of a tanker is similar to loading, but has some key differences. The first step in the operation is following the same pretransfer procedures as used in loading. When the transfer begins, it is the ship's cargo pumps that are used to move the product ashore.[101] As in loading, the transfer starts at low pressure to ensure that equipment is working correctly and that connections are secure.[101] Then a steady pressure is achieved and held during the operation.[102] While pumping, tank levels are carefully watched and key locations, such as the connection at the cargo manifold and the ship's pumproom are constantly monitored.[100] Under the direction of the person in charge, crew members open and close valves to direct the flow of product and maintain close communication with the receiving facility to decrease and finally stop the flow of liquid
Tank Cleaning
a special crude oil washing (COW) system is part of the cleaning process.[103] The COW system circulates part of the cargo through the fixed tank-cleaning system to remove wax and Tanks must be cleaned from time to time for various reasons. One reason is to change the type of product carried inside a tank.[103] Also, when tanks are to be inspected or maintenance must be performed within a tank, it must be not only cleaned, but made gas-free.[103]
On most crude-oil tankersasphaltic deposits.[103] Tanks that carry less viscous cargoes are washed with water. Fixed and portable automated tank cleaning machines, which clean tanks with high-pressure water jets, are widely used.[103] Some systems use rotating high-pressure water jets to spray hot water on all the internal surfaces of the tank.[103] As the spraying takes place, the liquid is pumped out of the tank.[103]

After a tank is cleaned, provided that it is going to be prepared for entry, it will be purged. Purging is accomplished by pumping inert gas into the tank until hydrocarbons have been sufficiently expelled. Next the tank is gas freed which is usually accomplished by blowing fresh air into the space with portable air powered or water powered air blowers. "Gas freeing" brings the oxygen content of the tank up to 20.8% O2. The inert gas buffer between fuel and oxygen atmospheres ensures they are never capable of ignition. Specially trained personnel monitor the tank's atmosphere, often using hand-held gas indicators which measure the percentage of hydrocarbons present.[104] After a tank is gas-free, it may be further hand-cleaned in a manual process known as mucking.[105] Mucking requires protocols for entry into confined spaces, protective clothing, designated safety observers, and possibly the use of airline respirators.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Jenis-jenis kapal dan fungsinya


  1. Kapal Pesiar (Cruise Ship)

Kapal pesiar adalah kapal penumpang yang dipakai untuk pelayaran pesiar. Penumpang menaiki kapal pesiar untuk menikmati waktu yang dihabiskan di atas kapal yang dilengkapi fasilitas penginapan dan perlengkapan bagaikan hotel berbintang. Kapal pesiar memiliki rute pelayaran yang selalu kembali ke pelabuhan asal keberangkatan. Jadi, kapal pesiar selalu memulai dan mengakhiri perjalannya di tempat yang sama. Lama pelayaran kapal pesiar bisa berbeda-beda, mulai dari beberapa hari sampai sekitar tiga bulan tidak kembali ke pelabuhan asal keberangkatan. Kapal pesiar terbesar sekaligus kapal penumpang terbesar, Oasis of the Seas, adalah kapal pesiar yang memiliki bobot sekitar 225.000 ton lebih dan juga memiliki bangunan atau kabin hingga 20 tingkat diibaratkan sudah mirip dengan apartement mampu menampung ribuan penumpang. Apalagi soal fasilitasnya yang sangat lengkap dan komplit. Kapal pesiar Oasis yang memiliki julukan kota terapung ini di perkirakan memiliki panjang 360 m atau sekitar 5 kali lebih besar dari kapalTitanic. Yang lebih kerennya lagi, semua fasilitas yang ada mampu mensuplai para penumpangnya saat berlayar hingga 30 hari atau sebulan perjalanan di atas laut yang luas.

  2.Kapal Samudra (Ocean Liner)


  Kapal samudra adalah kapal penumpang besar yang identik dengan kapal pesiar. Kapal ini juga memiliki fasilitas penginapan dan perlengkapan yang mirip dengan kapal pesiar. Apa yang membedakan kapal pesiar dan kapal samudra? Yang membedakan hanya 1, yaitu rute perjalannya. Kapal pesiar berangkat dari suatu tempat kemudian kembali ke tempat yang sama pula, tetapi, kapal samudra berangkat dari suatu tempat ke tempat lainnya. Banyak orang yang menyangka kalau kapal samudra itu sama dengan kapal pesiar karena sama-sama berukuran besar, namun kenyataannya berbeda. Kapal Titanic termasuk dalam kategori jenis kapal ini.

Queen Mary 2 adalah kapal samudra terbesar dan sebuah kapal penumpang Cunard Line yang namanya berasal dari kapal Cunard awal, RMS Queen Mary. Pada saat dibangun pada tahun 2003, Queen Mary 2 merupakan kapal penumpang terbesar yang pernah dibuat dalam setiap dimensinya. Namun, pada November 2009, kapal ini menjadi yang kedua terbesar setelah dikalahkan oleh kapal pesiar Oasis of the Seas. Ukurannya 345 m, hanya 15 m lebih pendek daripada kapal pesiar terbesar Oasis of the Seas. Kemewahan Queen Mary 2 meliputi 15 restoran dan bar, lima kolam renang, sebuah kasino, sebuah ballroom, dan sebuah planetarium.

  3. Kapal Peti Kemas (Container Ship)


  Kapal peti kemas adalah kapal yang khusus digunakan untuk mengangkut peti kemas yang standar (biasanya berukuran 20 ft atau 40 ft). Kapal ini memiliki rongga (cells) untuk menyimpan peti kemas ukuran standar. Peti kemas diangkat ke atas kapal di terminal peti kemas dengan menggunakan crane/derek khusus yang dapat dilakukan dengan cepat, baik derek-derek yang berada di dermaga, maupun derek yang berada di kapal itu sendiri. Kapal ini pasti sudah tidak asing lagi bagi sobat karena populasi kapal ini sangat banyak.

Galangan kapal Daewoo dari Korea Selatan telah membangun kapal peti kemas terbesar di dunia atas pesanan Maersk Line.  Kapal seharga US$ 190 juta ini dengan panjang 399 meter dibangun  sanggup untuk memuat 18,000 TEU (satuan peti kemas 20 ft). Kapal ini dinamakan Maersk Triple E Class. Kapal tipe kelas ini mempunyai daya muat 2500 TEU lebih banyak dari pada kemampuan kapal peti kemas yang terbesar sekarang ini, yaitu Emma Maersk yang sudah beroperasi mengarungi samudra dari China ke Eropa.

  4. Kapal Tanker Minyak (Oil Tanker)

  Kapal Tanker Minyak adalah sejenis kapal tanker yang berfungsi untuk mengangkut minyak. Ada 2 jenis kapal tanker pengangkut minyak, yaitu kapal tanker pengangkut minyak matang/halus dan kapal tanker pengangkut minyak mentah. Biasanya kapal pengangkut minyak mentah berukuran lebih kecil. Kapal ini harus dibuat kokoh dan jangan sampai minyak yang diangkutnya bocor karena dapat menyebabkan malapetaka dalam kehidupan laut di sekitarnya.

  Kapal tanker terbesar yang kini bernama Knock Nevis ini memang lain dibandingkan dengan yang lain. Kapal ini merupakan kapal laut terbesar di dunia yang pernah dibuat orang. Dan mungkin juga menjadi kapal yang paling sering berganti nama. Itu karena Knock Nevis memang sering berganti pemilik. Meskipun memegang gelar sebagai kapal terbesar di dunia, tapi kini Knock Nevis tidak difungsikan sebagai kapal lagi. Sekarang tugasnya adalah sebagai floating storage dan Offloading Unit di Dubai.
Untuk menggambarkan ukuran raksasa super tanker ini, kita dapat lihat pada dimensinya. Kapal yang dibangun di galangan kapal Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Jepang ini memiliki panjang 1.504 feet atau setara dengan 458,5 meter. Bobotnya 564.763 DWT. Bandingkan dengan ukuran kapal induk yang paling besar sekalipun. Karena ukurannya tersebut, super tanker ini tidak bisa melintasi terusan Panama dan terusan Suez. Dimensi ukurannya memang luar biasa besar. Karena kendala seperti itulah oleh pemiliknya sekarang (First Olsen Tankers) hanya digunakan sebagai floating Storage.

  5. Kapal Pengangkut Barang Curah (Bulk Carrier)

  Kapal Pengangkut Barang Curah merupakan kapal barang yang berfungsi untuk mengangkut barang-barang seperti batu bara, semen, biji-bijian, bijih logam, dan sebagainya di dalam sel-sel/rongga-rongga kargo yang terpisah.
  Kapal Valemax adalah kapal pembawa bijih yang sangat besar (VLOC) yang dimiliki atau disewa oleh perusahaan tambang Brasil Vale SA untuk membawa bijih besi dari Brasil ke pelabuhan Eropa dan Asia dengan kapasitas mulai dari 380.000 ton sampai 400.000 ton bobot mati. Kapal Valemax adalah kapal barang curah terbesar yang pernah dibangun dan satu di antara kapal-kapal terpanjang dari setiap jenis saat ini yang masih beroperasi.

  6. Kapal Pengangkut Mobil (Car Carrier)


  Kapal Pengangkut Mobil/Ro-Ro merupakan kapal besar yang bertugas membawa kendaraan baru melalui transportasi air. Awas sob, meskipun mengangkut mobil, kapal ini berbeda halnya dengan ferryFerry bertugas menyebrangkan kendaraan bersama pemiliknya langsung dari suatu pulau ke pulau lainnya akibat tidak adanya jembatan penyebrangan, sedangkan kapal Ro-Ro bertugas menyalurkan kendaraan baru secara massal yang dipesan langsung dari produsen kepada konsumennya.  

  Istilah Ro-Ro adalah Roll-On-Roll-Off untuk mengangkut kendaraan sedangkan istilah Lo-Lo adalah Lift-On/Lift-Off untuk angkutan barang yang harus diangkat menggunakan derek/crane.
Mark V Class memiliki empat kapal Ro-Ro dibangun untuk perusahaan pelayaran Norwegia Wilhelmsen dan asosiasi perusahaan Wallenius yang dibangun oleh Jepang oleh perusahaan Mitsubishi. Kapal ini adalah kapal Ro-Ro terbesar saat ini yang beroperasi dengan kapasitas kargo sebesar 138.000 meter kubik.

   7.Kapal Tongkang/Ponton


  Kapal tongkang/ponton merupakan jenis kapal yang mengangkut barang. Kapal ini sebenarnya bukan benar-benar kapal karena tidak mempunyai mesin sendiri (self-propelled), sehingga ia harus digandeng dengan kapal tunda. Tongkang juga bisa disebut sebagai gandengan kapal. Tuh, sob, memangnya truk aja yang gandengan? Kapal juga punya gandengan, sob.

  8. Kapal Tunda (Tug Boat) 


  Kapal tunda merupakan kapal kecil yang memanuver kapal dengan mendorong atau menarik mereka. Kapal tunda juga memindahkan kapal yang dalam suatu kondisi tidak bisa bergerak sendiri, seperti kapal-kapal di pelabuhan yang ramai atau di sebuah kanal yang sempit dan juga kapal yang memang tidak bisa bergerak sendiri, seperti tongkang, kapal yang rusak, atau platform minyak. Beberapa kapal tunda berfungsi sebagai pembuka pintu laut pelabuhan atau sebagai kapal penyelamatan. Kapal tunda awal memiliki mesin uap, namun saat ini, mesin diesel yang digunakan. 

   9. Kapal Penangkap Ikan


  Kapal penangkap ikan adalah kapal yang dipakai nelayan untuk menangkap ikan di laut, sungai, ataupun danau secara massal. Kapal ini digunakan oleh perusahaan nelayan kaya untuk menangkap ikan sebanyak-banyaknya agar lebih efisien dibandingkan menggunakan perahu kecil. Jumlah ikan yang ditangkap menggunakan jaring besar dalam satu kali berlayar bisa mencapai ribuan ton atau sama dengan persediaan untuk 3 tahun, sob.

  10. Kapal Perang (Battleship/Battlecruiser)


  Kapal perang adalah kapal yang dibangun dan terutama ditujukan untuk pertempuran. Kapal perang biasanya dibangun dengan cara yang sama sekali berbeda dari kapal biasa. Selain sebagai senjata, kapal perang dirancang untuk menahan kerusakan dan biasanya lebih cepat dan lebih lincah dari kapal biasa. Tidak seperti kapal biasa, kapal perang biasanya hanya membawa senjata, amunisi dan pasokan untuk awaknya sendiri. Biasanya kapal perang milik angkatan laut. Kapal perang yang biasa dikenal adalah battleship, padahal ada jenis yang lain, yaitu battlecruiser. Yang membedakan antara  battlecruiser dengan  battleship adalah battlecruiser kurang lengkap perlengkapan senjatanya namun lebih cepat.